Bare in mind, the last time I played was January...
In oder of my experience:
Mage: I love this class. The utility, the flashiness, and how easy it is to get around. My mage was my first character I rolled, and is still the one I regularly return to. With the right technique for fighting the latency, and the right combo's you can do some awesome damage.
Rogue: My rogue was a "fun" character I made to play alongside my wife. He rapidly became my alternating main, and is just so silly. He is a Gnome with engineering... I built him from the word go to have a Gnomish World Enlarger, and it still makes me giggle having a rugby ball sized sprinting rogue running about... As for playability - I really liked the stealth aspect of the game. He must have spent 90% of his life in stealth unless I was needing to ride rapidly from A-B - not the most efficient way to play, but it was fun. I have levelld him through all 3 specs. Combat has been my favourite though, purely for the jump in the fray, burn cooldowns and watch everything die side of things. Oddly, it has proven my most effective PVP spec aswell.
Priest: After my Rogue, when I started raiding - I decided to pick up a priest and play. I found the levelling was fairly slow, but to date it has been my favourite support character. I really enjoy healing, and pulling the group out of near-death scenarios with some tactical healing. I levelled alongside my wifes mage, and it was a good duo - I would bubble and hot, and she would run on in and Arcane explosion big groups (usually of Murlocs. Were not racist, honest!) whilst I would hop in alongside and Holy Nova until she needed another bubble or nuke heal. It also allowed for multi-boxing as I could easily just hit the Arcane Explosion button with one keyboard, and focus on my priest keeping the mage up.
Hunter: I have not gotten a hunter to the end game yet, but I have had a multitude of hunters over the years - I preferred them a lot more when they were complex though. When you had to feed your pet, when unique pets actually had abilities over others (I tamed broken tooth at least three times...) and it took more focus to work them... Im not so keen on the way that they play now, although I am keen to get logged back in and have a play with a fresh one!
Warrior: My latest warrior was a Worgen - I got him into the 30s exclusively with random dungeons as a tank - I love(d) this guy - but alas, I stopped playing one day and started playing my Paladin again, and never went back... :(
Paladin: I have always liked Paladins, but they were always so common and kinda slow that I was never that interested - then I got into Retribution spec about christmas - and found myself playing a LOT - I dual specced as a healer, and found out I really like Pally healing (maybe moreso than the new priest discipline spec) - although mistime something and your likely to wipe the party.
Druid: I go on and off druids all the time. They can be like rogues but without as much utility - Im not too keen on the Boomkin since I have a mage, and I dont trust the HOT healing anywhere except in my wifes hands (Her main is a Resto druid...) I have seen Boomkins do impressive damage lately, but any time I go druid - I am feral. I really got into my druid once the custom forms came out - and I do enjoy them, but as I say - the want to play them comes and goes.
Warlock: I really want to like Warlocks and play one... but I just cant do it, as I always want my Warlock to be Horde - and can never get far as Horde as its usually a foray onto a friends server and they usually not around after a while and I stop playing... my highest was probably about level 40 - I pushed to get the mount then stopped playing. This was back in the day when the RPPVP servers came online and me and some friends started a hordie guild that I kinda stopped playing with.
Shaman: Shaman interest me, they are cool, they are tough, they have utility... they bore the shite outta me... I just have not got one out of the starter area yet... but Im going to do it! I am! I am intent on rolling a Dwarven Shammy and showing the world its ale-right. (See what I did?)...